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Louisa Burden

My Story

I was born in South Africa. My family moved around a lot when I was younger and finally settled in a small town when I was about 12 years old.

Growing up in my family home was not always that easy as I formed beliefs that set limits within me and my abilities.   We were a normal mediocre family, never short on money, but not enough either to live a luscious lifestyle like some of the other kids had. I never had many friends as a teenager and really longed to fit in and be one of the popular kids, but I never did, and I never was. Somehow it always felt like something was short on the inside.

People and teachers would always compliment me on my leadership skills, but for some reason, I just didn’t make it to the top.

I lost a huge chunk of my confidence during this time, because it seemed like it didn’t matter how hard I worked and how many times I tried, I was never awarded or recognized for my efforts.

I really wanted to become a doctor so passionately, the medical industry intrigued me, but unfortunately there was not enough funds for me to study medicine. Thankfully I pushed through and ended up studying Somatology (the study of human Anatomy and Physiology).

I practiced being a beauty therapist for many years and leant the value of self-care and taking care of one’s body during this time. Clients would arrive at my Salon in a certain way and would leave as completely different individuals, feeling positive and energised after sessions.

I married, moved to a different country and also became a mother. In my walk through adult life, I was diagnosed three times with clinical depression and tried to commit suicide once. Regardless, I refused to accept the fact that I had clinical depression, because I knew and felt I was not born this way.

My love for my children and my faith in my religion kept me going for many, many years even though I was a broken human being. On the outside I looked fine, but on the inside, I felt trapped and broken and had no idea where to start in picking up the pieces.

I didn’t like this part of me and thankfully this IS NOT WHO I AM NOW…

RTT® gave me back my life…I can finally be the person I was born to be. It freed me from many limitations and has made me more confident, most of all gave me peace about myself and mind.

I now use the knowledge and skill that I have obtained as an RTT® Coach to help other broken teenagers, parents and many other individuals to find their way. I know how much it hurts to walk in broken shoes as I’ve walked in those for many years…and I do not wish this burden upon anyone…

I love shoes…I love heels…I love flats,pumps, boots…I really, really love them all, but what I love the most about shoes is when they are made to fit, the comfort and looks beautiful. I truly believe everyone deserves to be like a perfect pair of shoes. To feel comfortable with themselves, to see their own beauty and to walk with confidence, self-belief and high self-esteem.